Govt asked to implement transitional justice policy - Daily Monitor Supplement

Pre and post-independent Uganda has gone through periods of political instability characterised by armed conflicts, resulting in gross human rights violations.  The years of conflict disrupted development efforts, destroyed formal and informal justice institutions, and disintegrated the socio-economic fabric of communities.

Consequently, various communities in Uganda have been faced with several post-conflict challenges. These include poverty as a result of limited livelihood options, negative perceptions towards efforts at enhancing peace, recovery, development, reintegration, and reconciliation, and dissatisfaction with the formal justice system.

Despite the numerous attempts by the government to address these issues, there has been no overarching policy to deal with post-conflict situations. That calls for transitional justice mechanisms to address and prevent future conflict. Transitional justice refers to how societies respond to the legacies of massive and serious human rights violations to achieve reconciliation and foster sustainable peace.

The Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs through the Justice Law and Order Sector (JLOS), now the Governance and Security Programme
(GSP), formed the Transitional Justice Working Group to steer the development of a framework for transitional justice for Uganda.

The national transitional justice policy, which was adopted in 2019, is aimed at enhancing legal and political accountability, delivering justice to victims, promoting reconciliation, fostering social reintegra

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