RLP Annual Report 2023(January - December)

The Refugee Law Project (RLP) is a community outreach project of the School of Law, Makerere University established to ensure that all people enjoy their human rights irrespective of their legal status. We are pleased to present RLPs 2023 achievements. RLP continues to make positive strides even at a time when funding has greatly reduced due other global emergencies that have impacted availability of resources for responding to humanitarian and development needs of Uganda. For two and a half decades, RLP has focused on the human rights of forced migrants, their hosts and vulnerable communities. this will remain a key focus for the year 2024. RLP continuously undertakes research to build evidence that supports its interventions. Few organizations can demonstrate the scope and reach that RLP has achieved, using local personnel and refugee staff. From experience and research RLP has developed guides and quality improvement tools. It has also shared its material freely with a large number of stakeholders. Utilising technological advances, RLP has also explored the use of online counselling services to further reach communities and influence the social media spaces.

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