Media For Social Change /  28 April 2020 /  1948 views

Apocalyptic Fuel highlights some of the complex issues surrounding fast growing deforestation in post-war Northern Uganda. It is an area that is recovering from more than two decades of war, that is largely off the national electricity grid, and that also hosts some of the largest refugee settlements in the world. It is an area in which Ugandans and refugees alike are generally living in relative poverty and depend heavily on wood and charcoal for fuel and other uses in their daily lives. Are refugees causing environmental degradation, or are hosts using refugees as a convenient scapegoat to hide behind? Is it poverty that drives charcoal making, or greed? Is it true that the charcoal industry is a “man’s world”? Are Uganda’s regulatory bodies part of the solution… or part of the problem? This video, explores these questions and more. It offers a unique insight into how environmental degradation works, and highlights the urgency of enhancing environment protection and management in Uganda through structural reforms. It will be used across Uganda and internationally to catalyse urgently needed conversations about the dynamics of forced migration, refugee hosting, environmental degradation and climate change.

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